I don’t want my child to have free school meals, so what’s the point of applying for Pupil Premium funding?
Even if you do not wish your child to receive free school meals, if they are eligible for Pupil Premium (PP) funding we can (and do!) use the additional funding to boost our provision and are able to support families to ensure their child does not miss out on any valuable opportunities or experiences. Here are some examples of how we use our funding to bridge the gaps…
Our curriculum has benefited over the years. With the additional PP funding we have been able to employ Higher Level Teaching Assistants who have supported our Catch-up programme and Literacy/Numeracy additional classes at KS3. This has led to the majority of our students who have joined JoG below the national expected levels in English and maths to progress rapidly to now be working in-line with their peers.
We have also used the additional funding to support students from all year groups to access on-line, small group core subject teaching after school with undergraduates through the National Tutoring Programme (NTP).
Accelerated reader is another programme that has been funded by our PP funding. An integral aspect of how our library runs, PP funding helps us regularly purchase new and relevant books and run the software programme that has been boosting ALL our students reading in Yr7 & 8.
“What Accelerated Reader does so well is help students find their reading confidence - regardless of their starting level. The book quizzes introduce a bit of fun but more importantly: it helps show even the less confident students what they are capable of reading.”
Mrs Bruton, Learning Resources manager
We have four academic mentors who support a range of students at KS4 & 5, including those who have pupil premium funding.
“The Academic Mentoring Program is a positive approach to support key students in KS4 to help prepare them fully and effectively for their exam and coursework requirements. Students receive individualised subject-based tuition and revision guidance as well as regular check-ins and plenty of encouragement! A supportive partnership between mentor, mentee and home is developed and regular communication is encouraged. We aim to provide a learning environment where each key student can thrive and achieve their absolute best.
This programme also allows for funding to be used towards materials, books and general resources for school use. In Art this year students have benefitted from using specialised art materials such as spray-paint, for example, which has enabled each student to fully express their creativity and exploration of skill development in this subject area and allowed for a greater depth of artistic study“
Miss Farion, Academic Mentor

“I feel that my organisation and focus has improved significantly by working with my mentor” Yr 12 student
“I’m very glad I had the chance [to work with the mentors] as they both helped me massively. They also changed my attitude towards school.”
“I am really glad I had the chance to work with the mentors. I had the opportunity to go over things I wouldn’t have been able to in class in a 1 to 1 setting.”
“The unique approach they [the mentors] used to encourage you and help you succeed is really motivating.”
“The mentors were a massive help and future Yr10’s will be glad to have them both!”
Yr 11 students
All our PP students, when entering KS4, are provided with free revision guides in all their subjects – that’s a real saving for parents!
Over the last two years, the government has prioritised PP
students to be loaned laptops to support them with their studies. At The John of Gaunt, we have worked effectively to provide ALL our students who require laptops a device.

Throughout an academic year there are many additional trips, excursions and events for all year groups that enhance students’ learning experience that cannot be provided by the school and families need to pay for these. For students who have PP status, financial subsidies can be made to ensure they have an equal opportunity of participating in all extra-curricular programmes offered including having music lessons paid for!
You can see the benefits. If you feel you maybe eligible for Pupil Premium (PP) funding then please use this link to apply or find our more details.
Mr Rhodes