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Anti-Bullying Week 2023

This week is national Anti-Bullying week. As a school, we are committed to ensuring children feel safe and, should they experience bullying behaviour, they have a trusted adult they can speak to in school. We have recently been awarded the Anti-bullying alliance Silver award and hope to gain the Gold award soon.

If you or your child have any worries, they can speak with their tutor, a member of the year team or any member of staff wearing a purple lanyard who is part of the expert team working to safeguard our students.

All students have had an assembly this week about how to stay safe, stand up and speak out.

Please see the poster attached for tips on how to keep your child safe online and combat online bullying which may happen out of school hours.

From the playground to Parliament, and from our phones to our homes, let’s make a noise about bullying.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Of course, we won’t like everyone, and we don’t always agree, but we can choose respect and unity.

This Anti-Bullying Week let’s come together to have discussions about what bullying means to us, how banter can turn into something more hurtful, and what we can do to stop bullying.