Parents & Carers
The John of Gaunt School has close links to the parents and carers of the students.
A school’s relationship with its parents and carers is incredibly important. The success of our students, your children, can be critically affected by the quality of communication between home and school. We aim to be an accessible and receptive school where parents will be listened to and their concerns respected.
Over many years we believe that, parents and carers have built up a great deal of respect for the way in which we respond to academic, welfare and broader issues.
Involvement of parents and carers in the life of the school is welcomed.
Parent Governors are crucial to the strategic direction of the school and if you have an interest in involvement at this level please contact our Clerk to the Governors, c/o the school.
On a personal note, I aim to be at the Wingfield Gate before school most mornings. This has become a time when parents often approach me for a conversation and sometimes just a chat; I welcome and enjoy this.
Mr Rhodes