MathsWatch - Parents' Guide

The John of Gaunt School has subscribed to MathsWatch. This is an online resourse designed to support your child reaching their potential in maths.
The package includes access to video tutorials explaining topics, so that students can review past learning or look at those areas missed if absent. It also offers access to tasks for independent study, assignments set for homework and (especially important for GCSE) past papers for exam practice.
Instanteous feedback is provided for questions, with exam papers graded using the relevant grade boundaries.
Accessing the Resource
MathsWatch works on most browsers, but the company recommends Google Chrome where possible.
The online resources can be found at:
You will be presented with the following login page:
All students have a username similar to their school email address.
If their name is Ann Other and their school email address is:, then their log in to MathsWatch will be: 20aOther@jogschool
That is, with the first letter of the surname capitalised and without the .org
Initially, all students have the generic password: Circle1
We suggest that students change their password on first logging in. This can be done by clicking on the following icon, in the top right-hand corner, and choosing “My Details” from the drop-down menu:
Accessing Work
Once logged on, the “My Work” section appears. This looks like:
Work assigned could be either homework or tests.
Homework: These can be attempted multiple times, up until the due date with the final score being available to your child’s teacher. It they are unsure, they should watch the video, with the link just beneath the questions to support them. They will also have notes in their maths book.
Tests: These are less likely to be set than homework tasks. They are timed, with the countdown starting when one of the questions is accessed, and can be attempted only once.
If you have any questions, please email your child’s teacher or the Head of Maths on: