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Year 10 Wiltshire County Council Challenge Day

On Thursday 20th July the Data Intelligence Team from Wiltshire County Council came in to support our students on a Data informed sustainability challenge day.

Our students were asked to analyse emissions data for the postcodes in our areas and develop projects and solutions to improve the energy emission levels for our local community. Although initially daunted by the information and the task, our students quickly took on all the guidance that was given by the intelligence team and developed a new understanding of renewable energy sources and some teams were able to go as far as suggesting innovative solutions to try and encourage people to be more sustainable in their energy use.

Four members from our community, from Wiltshire County Council and our Chair of Governors, joined us in the afternoon and our students presented the data they had analysed and their new understanding of sustainable solutions to this panel. This is not something that many of our students have done before. The panel were really impressed with the quality of the presentations, the data analysis and the delivery of the work. A special mention to Hannah and Julia, whose presentation was to such a professional standard, their idea was really innovative, and they showed real confidence when responding to the panel. In addition to this Alfie, David and James’ Team’s idea was really innovative and had practical potential in its development.

 Well done to you all the Teams.

Thank you to the Data Intelligence Team from Wiltshire County Council and all the members of the external panel for making the time to give our students this fantastic opportunity

The Year 10 Team